Beechwood FC


Last year we sponsored Eskmill Football Club under 16s but as the team disband in the current form we needed find a new team to sponsor. Step in Beechwood Girls under 11s team thanks to our accountant.

David and I went to visit the girls training a couple of weeks ago at Gyle Public Park in Edinburgh. I think the pink with black kit looks very smart, even the boys in the office said they’d wear it.

Thanks to Mark who doesa great job down at the Gyle Public Park for the girls and the other teams.


Beechwood FC launched its very first Girls side in March 2011. The team are playing 7 a sides as under 11s at the moment and have been working hard and doing extremely well. The Girls are currently Directeded by Mark Campbell, will be Managed by Louis Douglas, and coached by Martin Gribbon and other members of our coaching team. For more information, please give Mark Campbell a call on – 07981315465

More information at the official website