The Hidden Costs of Outdated Computers

Welcome to your Computer Asset Report. At Dunedin IT, we understand the importance of keeping your technology up-to-date and running smoothly. To make this as simple as possible, we’ve designed this report using a traffic light system to help you quickly see the status of your computers.

How to Read Your Report

🟢 Green

These computers are in top condition with the latest hardware. No action is needed.

🟡 Yellow

These machines are performing adequately but may need attention soon.

🔴 Red

These devices are over five years old and are flagged for replacement. Older machines can slow down productivity and pose security risks.

Key Insights

📉 Performance Benchmarks

The report provides performance benchmarks for each computer. The higher the score, the better the performance.

📊 Average Benchmark

We’ve included your organisation’s average benchmark and compared it to the average across all our customers. This helps you understand how your hardware stacks up.

✨ Replacement Recommendations

As a general guideline, we recommend replacing computers that are 4-5 years old. This ensures your technology remains efficient and secure.


⬆️ Upgrade Plan

Aim to replace 10-20% of your computers yearly. This steady pace helps manage costs and keeps your technology current.

🎯 Focus on Red

Prioritise replacing the red-flagged machines first to avoid performance bottlenecks and potential security issues.

The Hidden Costs of Outdated Computers

Reduced Speed and Performance

Slower Processing: Old computers often have outdated hardware that struggles with modern software demands, leading to slower processing times and longer wait periods.

Lag and Freezing: Increased instances of lag and freezing can disrupt workflows and cause employee frustration.

According to an Intel report, outdated computers can cause businesses to lose up to £13,000 per worker in yearly productivity.

Security Risks

Vulnerability to Cyberattacks: Outdated systems are more susceptible to security breaches, putting sensitive data at risk.

Lack of Updates: Older computers may no longer receive security updates, exposing them to new threats.

Microsoft research indicates that PCs over four years are three times more likely to experience malware infections than newer models.

Increased Downtime

Frequent Breakdowns: Aging hardware is more prone to malfunctions and breakdowns, leading to increased downtime and repair costs.

Software Incompatibility: Old systems may not support the latest software updates or new applications, causing compatibility issues and further downtime.

A study by the Ponemon Institute found that employees lose an average of 42 hours per year waiting for their computers to boot up or applications to load. This equates to more than one workweek lost annually per employee.

Energy Inefficiency

Higher Energy Consumption: Older computers are less energy-efficient, leading to higher electricity bills and a larger carbon footprint.

The U.S. Department of Energy states that modern computers use 50% less energy than older models. Replacing old PCs can lead to significant savings on energy bills.

Employee Morale and Productivity

Frustration and Stress: Consistent issues with old computers can lead to frustration, decreased morale, and reduced productivity.

Wasted Time: Employees spend more time dealing with technical issues rather than focusing on their primary tasks.

Repair and Maintenance Costs: A Techaisle survey showed that small businesses spend over £330 annually per old PC on repair and maintenance costs, which increase as the hardware ages.