Flubot Malware Scam: What is Flubot?

🔴 What is it?

  • UK Network operators are detecting a rise in Flubot victims this week via Text or MMS messages.
  • Flubot is a Malware smishing attack, first detected in April but now significantly on the rise recently.

🟠 How does it work?

  • Affects only Android devices at this moment.
  • In the guise of a voicemail or app link to download.
  • If Flubot is downloaded and installed it will message contacts from the users phone to continue spreading and even access to banking apps.

🟢 What Can I do?

  • No preventable measures are possible at this moment.
  • However, keeping your staff aware of such threats is a great solution. Speak to us about our Digital Workshops if you’d like staff training relating to Cyber Security issues.

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