VoIP is finally unified

Unified Communications VoIP – The Stars Have Finally Aligned

In the dim and distant past (well, maybe 25 years ago) the first commercial Voice Over Internet Protocol was launched by VocalTec, allowing people to talk to each other using their computers, across the internet. Dunedin IT have spent much of the last 18 months helping many customers migrate legacy solutions to provide the flexibility their mobile workforces now need.

7 collaborative tools to reduce your hatred of online meetings

I'm sure, like everyone, you're a bit burnt out with online meetings. They're not going away, so here are seven tools to make them more productive and hopefully have less of them.

How Digital Workshops can help with Digital Transformation

What is Digital Transformation, why has adaption accelerated, why should we care, and what is a Digital Workshop, and how can it help us?

Volumetric Video – New Dimension for video

Volumetric video is a process that captures a three-dimensional space. The content can be view on regular devices along with 3D displays and VR goggles.

Evolution of IT Support Services – Why IT providers should become gardeners

How adopting a different approach to IT support Services could unlock IT complexity and increase productivity for organisations.

Holographic Meetings for Collaboration

Tech Insights What is it When you think of telecommuting, you might think of a remote colleague’s face in a tiny square on a screen. But […]

Future of communication and privacy

Tech Insights What is it People send 100 billion WhatsApp messages every day — and they’re all encrypted to protect them from potentially curious entities like […]

Collaboration with Microsoft Whiteboard & Presentations

Tech Insights Tech Insights Find out how Dunedin IT can help your organisation with its IT vision

Increase your teams productivity with Office 365

Tech Insights Tech Insights Find out how Dunedin IT can help your organisation with its IT vision