Unified Communications VoIP – The Stars Have Finally Aligned

VoIP is finally unified

In the dim and distant past (well, maybe 25 years ago) the first commercial Voice Over Internet Protocol was launched by VocalTec, allowing people to talk to each other using their computers, across the internet.
Dunedin IT have spent much of the last 18 months helping many customers migrate legacy solutions to provide the flexibility their mobile workforces now need.

Resources and ideas for working remotely

Ideas for Working from Home (WFH) Unsurprisingly since last week, we’ve been flooded with requests from clients to work from home. So we thought it would be worth sharing some insights into how we work from home, other ideas that can hopefully benefit businesses and organisations. If you’re a customer or not, would like some […]

Business Continuity – It not all about end of the world apocalypses!

Business Continuity – It not all about end of the world apocalypses! Let’s be honest, if half the country is wiped out from an aliens invasion, there is probably not much you can do or care what happens to your business. So when talking about Business Continuity and Disaster Recover for small businesses, we should […]